We are the conduits

If you’ve known me for more than 5 minutes, then you know that I believe completely that all things are energy.

All things.

And honestly it’s not too hard to see- we’re made of atoms. Atoms are energy. Matter is energy. So yeah- everything is energy. Our brains create and communicate with electrical impulses. Electricity is energy- so it follows that thoughts are energy.

We have energetic bodies (ie. meridians and chakras). And that energy communicates with all the energy around us. Constantly. It is up to us whether we regularly acknowledge that communication and use it to our benefit.

So you know how sometimes you just get an idea? And you can’t really tell where it came from?

That’s Spirit. That’s God. That’s the Universe giving you hints of what’s next on your path. We, as humans, are called to act on these because that’s the only way these things get executed- through us. We are called to do great things. We are given these tasks because we are capable. We’re asked to take the first step.

What first steps are next for you?

The Major Arcana: The Ascendancy

The Major Arcana: The Inward Invitation