The Collective Reckoning

The collective is currently going through the segment of the Tarot Transformation Cycle that I like to call The Reckoning. The old world is falling away, and as layers are peeled back, We are coming face to face with the depths of the darkness that exists within the society we inhabit.
This is peak Devil and Tower energy. The need to reconcile everything we thought we released along with everything we’re wanting to create - old patterns of behavior and thought. Huge energies are moving to pull these things from us, and some are holding on tighter than we would like.

The sacred mirror the Devil holds is in our face. We want to scream and thrash and destroy it, what it means about us, what it says about how far we thought we’d come. But we need to face it down with bravery, set new boundaries, and integrate.

Then we can set ourselves up for the ride that the Tower brings. All is being swept away to create new foundations, but first it must be unearthed. It’s the purge. Once completed, we will be unable to go back the way we came, the space no longer exists.

This energy is both powerful and repellant - when it approaches, we want to retreat, to escape from the intensity. The only reliable way out is through. So keep holding on. Hold up the mirrors, challenge and release where you can. Become the change you want to see, and assist the world in birthing the new landscape.

I’m with you. 

In case you’re wondering, YES this is indeed about the recently leaked US Supreme Court opinion regarding Roe v Wade… political actions loading…

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