Why your Manifestations Don't seem to show up

Why your Manifestations Don't seem to show up

Some of you may not be ready to hear this, but it MUST be said.
The real reason your manifestations aren’t working- the reason you aren’t getting what you want even though you’ve done the 55x5m lit the candles, written your desires under the new moon and burned them, held the right crystals, and “kept your vibe high” is because YOU AREN’T DOING THE WORK.

Let me say it louder for the folks in the back.


The striving is not the work.

The wanting is not the work.
The vision board making is not the work.

The hoping, praying, chanting dancing under the moonlight is NOT THE WORK.

Even keeping your “vibe high” isn’t the work.


The work, the real work?? Is CHANGING YOURSELF.
Updating the base operating level of your soul.


Not operating from fear, or lack, or Ego. But from pure truth.


Here’s the deal.


You cannot rise above the things that are blocking you from your truth until you work through them.
You can’t ignore them, stuff them down, spiritually bypass them with love and light.


It’s time to face down your shadows.

Your doubts, fears, shame, guilt, anger


And HONOR them as a worthy, VALID part of your experience.

They are not YOU but they CAN serve you. And once you have acknowledged their purpose, you can release them.


And when you can do that, you get a few steps closer to allowing everything you’ve ever desired to enter your consciousness.
one step closer to acknowledging one of the great mysteries of this life – that we are always safe, supported, and loved.

This is the work. Getting to that place of stillness that says “Breathe deeply, you are safe with me.” That place that understands that the stillness it you. And Spirit, and the Universe, dancing together, creating the wonders of all that is.

 Ways to start doing the work:
- Notice your resistance to doing what will get you closer to your dreams. Journal on why you feel blocked.
- Meditate with your inner child- ask them what they need from you. Give it to them the best way you know how.
- Take one actual non-spiritual step. Make the phone call, send the email, ASK for what you need.

And if you need support, reach out for support! I am happy to share which of my offerings would serve you best.

The Simplest way to Meditate

So Many Names

So Many Names