Before the next New Moon

Before the next New Moon

My loves-

I have a challenge for all of you. The New Moon is fast approaching. And it’s going to be time to set some new intentions.

While you are setting intentions- are they yours? Are they really yours? Or are they what you’ve been told to want?

Are you following your intuition or the trends you’re seeing in the groups?

Are you doing the work to get through your shit or are you bypassing?

My challenge: get real with your self and your spirituality.

🔥 Realize that this journey is NOT a feel-good, happy go lucky, *love and light* cuddle-fest.

🔥 Realize that you will still have bad days and sad moments and crappy stuff happen to you, and that this doesn’t do a damn thing to your vibe!

🔥 Realize that even when you become an expert intentional manifesting magick-makes that you will still have times that you don’t get what you want.

And (listen up this is important now) NONE of the above means you’re doing anything wrong! Or that there is anything wrong with you!

We are humans and owning our spirituality means stepping into what it means to be a soul living in a body. The body counts too! The pain counts too. The mistakes count too.

Skipping all that misses the point.

Dear ones- this journey is about evolution. It’s so much deeper than having life that looks perfect. Or following all of the steps. Or having all of the tools.

The growth is in recognizing who you are IN TRUTH in spite of everything you’ve faced.

It’s about trusting the course when you can’t see an inch in front of your face.

It’s about surrendering and knowing that you are never alone and you are always just breaths away from the infinite.

This power rises from the ashes. It flows instead of fights. It can see beyond the moment to the message, behind the life’s challenge to the lesson.

You are loved- and the power is within you. When you own it, you change your life forever.

Are you ready?

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