RadicalGuideDNA Activation

You are a magical being - just waiting to be unleashed

Radical Guide DNA Activation is an energy healing modality that permanently unlocks the spiritual potential within you. This sacred practice is passed down to us through the lineage of Mary Magdalene.

I had my first DNA activation session with the founders of this method back in 2018. When I tell you that my life has been radically changed- you have no idea. (Click here to learn how DNA Activation changed my life).

What I discovered: there is so much freedom waiting for you.

Every human is born with the instruction manual for expansion and evolution built into the very core of our being. In the control center of every cell, our physical DNA contains the instructions for these human bodies. Likewise our spiritual and cosmic DNA connects to our eternal spiritual beings. This spiritual DNA lies dormant within us, interfering with our energy flow and keeping us from reaching our full potential. Radical Guide DNA Activation is the key to this instruction manual. This works by removing energetic seals, allowing your energy to flow more freely.

Radical Guide (RG) DNA Activation restores our complete connection to our life force energy. It creates an opportunity for personal growth, while clearing heavier energies accumulated over lifetimes. DNA Activation provides energetic support in making real change in your life experience. It’s one of the best ways to raise your vibration, permanently.

Here’s what is waiting for you on the other side:

  • Release of old, negative thought patterns.

  • Deep and passionate self-acceptance.

  • Stronger connection to your intuition.

  • Faith and trust in your life’s journey.

  • Confidence to embody your truest nature.

  • Deeper connection to the energies around you.

  • An opening of your perception.

  • And access to more possibility all around!

These are just some of the results that my clients and I have experienced.

A quick overview of the Radical Guide DNA Activation Process:

The healing is done remotely, in a place I lovingly call the healing grid. As I work with your energy there, I may receive information and messages from your guides, spirits, angels, and ascended masters. I’ll clear the energetic blocks from your Spiritual DNA. These blocks, called seals, prevent efficient energy flow through your energetic body.
Once seals are removed, your DNA is repaired, restored and activated.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Radical Guide DNA Activation and the do-it-yourself meditations I find on YouTube?

- Radical Guide DNA Activation is a permanent modality. Without seal removal and restoration, other methods of activation only stimulate the DNA temporarily. The Radical Guide method also continues to activate you past 48 strands once it is completed, with no tune ups needed. You also get access to me as your practitioner for your integration phase which helps you to get used to your new reality.

What do you actually DO during the activation process?

- Oh so much fun happens during this sacred process. See below for the process:

Your activation is divided into 4 sessions, taking place over 2 complete moon cycles.
We start with the activation of strands 1-24 in the healing grid. During this process I will receive information on your current guides, I’ll unlocking your Gene Keys and translate that into Tarot archetypes, align your Energy Body, rebalance your chakras, remove any Seals and Tags, and restore and repair the strands.
2 weeks following this first session, we’ll have a 30 minute integration session to help you settle into your new way of being.
Then we go back into the healing grid for strands 25-48, following the same process as above, and follow up with a second 30 minute integration session.

What happens after the activation?

- After your activation sessions, I will send a report of all the work completed and messages received. You receive this within 1 week of your activation. You will also have access to me for your initial integration period via email and text for those two weeks.

What’s the investment?

The investment is $999, and yes we have payment plans available.